Calm. Connected. Open. Curious.

Reclaim the essential qualities you were born to embody

every. single. day.

Rediscover the unique blend of inner wisdom & lived experience

that is your special sauce in this lifetime

Relearn to trust yourself & the re-emerging voice of your inner wisdom

with a series of small but incredibly meaningful shifts that allow the truest you to reveal herself and thrive

Return to You

a women’s wisdom circle of self-discovery & love

With Kristina Parks & Tawnia Converse

Enrollment is open!

How you care about, give to and show-up for your people, your projects and your passions is a thing of beauty ...

... but when it comes at the expense of your well-being the cost is too high.

You deserve a life that feels as good on the inside as it looks on the outside - without having to reduce your dreams to what fits neatly into anyone else’s image of you.

You deserve to be a priority in your life everyday - not just on special occasions or when you’re in crisis.

You deserve to have the available bandwidth to show up for others, to champion your causes and to care deeply about a world turned upside-down - without having to sacrifice yourself and your well-being to do it.

You deserve to know yourself so well that it no longer occurs to you to put yourself last on the priority list of your life.

When you hear a flight attendant tell you to put your oxygen mask on before helping others, you don’t question the wisdom in it - it just makes sense​

But in day-to-day life, it doesn’t always feel that simple - tending yourself before tending others is not your default ...

You trade your sense of peace for the doom scroll of social media (telling yourself that you need to stay informed)

You drop our cherished plans for a quiet day at home to accept a last-minute invitation to a loud restaurant serving food you don’t particularly enjoy (telling yourself that it would be rude to decline)

You decline an offer of help moving your furniture into your new home (telling yourself that you wouldn’t want to inconvenience anyone)

You accept a last-minute request for a client appointment on your planned day to catch-up on paperwork (telling yourself that they need you and that you can get all that admin work done over the weekend or later or …)

When the oxygen masks drop in the plane of your life, you pretty quickly busy yourself with tending everyone and everything else first

and then you tend yourself (maybe … if you’re lucky enough to still have some oxygen in reserve)

What might life look and feel like if you became the woman who unapologetically puts her oxygen mask on first and then tends everyone and everything else she cares about?

That’s what we want to help you discover - practical and practicable skills for putting your oxygen mask on first in life so you have all the energy you need to help others with theirs

Return to You

a women’s wisdom circle of self-discovery & love

With Kristina Parks & Tawnia Converse

October 15th - April 8th
$252/ month for 6 months

Enrollment is now open!

This women's wisdom circle will form around these key concepts -

You - individually & collectively - set the course.

Your intentions for being in this circle and the collective intentions of the souls of the circle will serve as the markers we honor along the path.

Our guidance - and the direction and pace we travel together - will reflect the course you have charted for yourself and the course we have charted together as a collective. We’ve woven a loose framework for this circle that is structured enough to give momentum to our travels and flexible enough to allow side quests as they reveal themselves.

We share all that we’ve learned along the way - foundational teachings, intuitive guidance, lived experience and more.

There is no one-size-fits-all formula that we can offer but there are some teachings that we believe form a solid base on which to build a more authentic and nourishing life.

These teachings come mostly from the wisdom traditions of yoga and Ayurveda but are also informed by intuitive energy healing practices, somatic approaches to healing and our combined decades of personal and professional spiritual practice. We are your conscious co-conspirators; ask us anything and we’ll be happy to share.

We all lovingly hold space for each other to explore & grow.

We will hold the space for this circle with loving honesty and open hearts and minds - and we will ask all members of the circle to do the same.

We cannot promise that you will not feel confronted within this women’s wisdom circle but we will create the optimal conditions for each soul to ask the uncomfortable (and sometimes unanswerable) questions without fear of backlash.We come together to learn and grow; mistakes will happen, missteps will occur and we will learn to love ourselves through them … together.

Each student is a teacher; each teacher a student.

The presence and contribution of each member of the circle is incredibly valuable - you have a unique lived experience and deep inner wisdom to share.

It is an act of generosity to bear witness to the journey of others and to allow others to bear witness to your journey. You will be asked to share yourself as much or as little as feels safe for you and your nervous system.

Our circle will weave a tapestry of care and kindness and a willingness to hold both the celebrations and the struggles of life with tenderness - for ourselves and one another.

When you turn to others for support in this journey of life, your wisdom is reflected back to you in ways that you might otherwise miss.

Here's the sacred ground we'll cover on our journey together -

Stepping Stone One - Root

We’ll focus on grounding into our bodies and into the present moment

so we can rise to our full heights from a solid foundation

Stepping Stone Two - Ritualize

We’ll focus on weaving moments of practice into our daily lives; identifying space where it already exists

so we can refocus our energy and feel more centered and connected to ourselves anytime

Stepping Stone Three - Rest

We’ll focus on creating space in our lives for slowing our inner and outer pace

so we can respond with greater ease to whatever life offers us and find more joy in life's pleasures - great and small

Stepping Stone Four - Renew

We’ll focus on letting go of what is stale and no longer useful

so we can begin again with more vitality and a sense of excitement for all that is possible

Stepping Stone Five - Reconnect

We’ll focus on strengthening our connection to inner wisdom and creating a vision for our lives that centers our goals and aspirations

so we can move forward with confidence and a sense of purpose and direction

Stepping Stone Six - Reflect

We’ll focus on honoring our journey and gathering resources

so we can point our hearts, minds and bodies in the direction we wish to travel and take the next step into the future

The return journey to your most essential self is as unique as you are.

And while it’s a journey you have to make on your own - grounded guidance that points you back to the deep wisdom that resides within you and an aligned community to laugh and cry and question with are invaluable resources.

Return to You

a women’s wisdom circle of self-discovery & love

With Kristina Parks & Tawnia Converse

6 months of guidance, community & connection
the circle forms on October 15th

Enrollment is open now!

When you step into the circle, you’ll find -

🦋 a thoughtfully curated program of self-discovery, self-care and self-love that weaves practical teachings of Ayurveda, yoga, meditation and intuitive energy healing practices that you can implement immediately with grounded, compassionate guidance and loving accountability in a supportive community of souls gathering, questioning and learning together to form a tapestry of growth, kindness and care that you will carry with you forever

🦋 intentionally held space for exploration & growth: the circle will be lovingly and consciously held for the duration of our time together; we will come together to form the circle with an Opening Circle on Oct 15th and to dissolve the circle on April 8th - for the 6 months that the circle is formed, you will have us and a circle of beautiful souls as conscious co-conspirators on the journey of your life (doesn't it feel like a deep breath to imagine it?!?)

🦋 bi-weekly women's wisdom circles offer a chance to learn, question, practice and explore in community and with the guidance of experienced teachers; each session will open with a period of teaching and practice followed by an open forum for us to ask questions, talk about successes and challenges, and listen and learn from one another

🦋 a private online community space: a place to ask questions, connect with one another and be supported on the journey between circle gatherings

🎁BONUS: an open invitation to join two live virtual yoga classes with Tawnia each month so you can move and breathe through what arises in our circle gatherings and cultivate a more grounded connection with your inner world

Meet your guides -

Hi! I'm Kristina ...

... and I have a passion for supporting women in making the wisdom and practices of Ayurveda and yoga accessible and relevant in their daily lives. My teaching style is gentle and personal and I promote happiness and self-compassion in my teachings.

My approach to teaching places an emphasis on improving balance and flexibility, while increasing strength and the ability to "let go". I also encourage you to do both the outer (physical) work and the inner work of the practice - cultivating peace inside and being able to carry that peace out into the world.

I am an E-RYT 200 certified yoga instructor with a YACEP for continuing education with the Yoga Alliance. I trained at Twin Cities Yoga Collective in vinyasa with ashtanga influence & The Omega Institute in yin yoga. I also graduated from the Kripalu School of Ayurveda with a certification as an Ayurvedic Health Counselor in 2022. With this added certification, I am thrilled offer my clients one-on-one education and guidance as well as seeds of practice for clients to explore Ayurveda and discover how these ancient diet and lifestyle practices can invite balance into their lives.

Hi! I'm Tawnia ...

… and I have spent years rebuilding my relationship with myself from the ground up. For much of my life, I felt disconnected from myself and completely at the whim of forces outside of me for any sense of safety, peace or belonging in this world. It took me so long to (re)discover that the greatest source of my inner peace and personal power was being in an honest and loving relationship with myself – far longer than I want it to take you. <

I’m excited to share the most nurturing and nourishing ways that I know for getting reconnected with yourself – your sense of ease & peace; your sense of joy & contentedness; your sense of unshakable groundedness & utter un-able-to-be-f🤡cked-with-ness (yeah, not a word but a relatable feeling nonetheless).

I draw on more than 10 years of experience as a yoga teacher and energy healer to walk with you as an intuitive guide and spiritual mentor. I am especially skilled at supporting sensitive souls in navigating the world from an honest place of inner peace, personal power and deep self-acceptance. I have an intuitive approach that is rooted in skillfully holding space for you to experience a greater sense of connection – to yourself, your life and the world around you. It is my joy to share what I’ve learned on my spiritual journey of life to support you as you travel yours.

We look forward to sharing all we have learned in our decades of personal and professional practice with you
as you Return to You.

Return to You

a women’s wisdom circle of self-discovery & love

With Kristina Parks & Tawnia Converse

6 months of guidance, community & connection
the circle forms on October 15th

Enrollment is open!

If you’re reading this and thinking “ooooo - this sounds so good but …”

We know you’re busy.

We know that life feels like a lot right now

and that the struggle to tend all that needs tending - much less get anywhere near the bottom of your to-do list - feels way more pressing than setting aside precious time for self-care.

We get it … and we are 100% with you in walking the tightrope of good for me, good for the ones I love and good for the world.

And that frenzied feeling of “how in the h-e-double-hockey-sticks am I going to get to all of this?” is exactly why we are forming this women’s wisdom circle right now

so you can travel richly accompanied through it all …

🍂 the changes of Autumn (and the US election cycle)

⛄️ the activity of the holiday season (and the accompanying
stresses and triggers)

🥳 the transition into the new year (and the pressure to
clear the slate and have it all mapped out when what
you really want is a nap)

🌱 the newness of Spring (and the untapped
potential of new growth and tender shoots)

and emerge on the other side with a renewed sense of self ...

🌟 practiced at making choices guided by what’s good for you

🌟 anchored in connection to your inner wisdom

and well-resourced to care about, give to and show-up for your people, your projects and your passions exactly as your heart desires

(or questions you might have and some things we'd like you to know)

Return to You is designed to support people socialized as women and girls to connect more deeply with their wisdom and to (re)learn to prioritize their inner guidance system as the animating force that moves them through their lives. 

This women’s wisdom circle is designed to support you when you feel curious enough to question what you have been led to believe is true, to challenge the patterns of thought, emotion and movement that keep you feeling confined, limited and small, and to (re)claim a more honest and loving connection to yourself as a peaceful, powerful and well-nourished presence in this world.

While this work can be an excellent companion to more traditional avenues of inquiry and care, it is not a replacement for therapy or the guidance of a health care professional. Please seek appropriate care for any health conditions that you may have.

Practically speaking – you will need a device with a camera, microphone and speakers (headphones work wonderfully) that connects to the internet and has access to Zoom. You may also find it beneficial to be in a quiet place that is as distraction-free as possible when we meet.

On a more personal level – a willingness to be curious about how you might live in greater alignment with your truest self while developing a more loving and honest relationship with you.

We will meet for 6 months beginning with an Opening Circle on Oct 15th and ending with a Closing Circle on April 8th.

Wisdom Circles will be held on Tuesday evenings from 7-8:30pm ET on the following dates:

Oct 29th

Nov 5th & 19th

Dec 3rd & 17th

Jan 7th & 21st

Feb 4th & 18th

Mar 4th & 18th

Apr 1st

The Return to You Community space is always available; we will monitor it and be available for mentoring/guidance/encouragement/questions Monday thru Friday during our six months together. The community space will remain open until the end of April for continued support and connection after the circle closes.

All sessions are recorded for you to view (or review) at your convenience. You will have access to all the material in Return to You until Oct 1st, 2025

YES! Yoga and meditation are some of the tools we will use but they are not the point of the journey. This offering is appropriate for beginners and experienced yoga and meditation practitioners alike.

To maximize the benefit for all involved and to keep the circle intimate (and everyone visible on one Zoom gallery screen ) Return to You is limited to 22 participants.

We are happy to talk this through with you to support you in making your decision. Please send us an email to get the conversation started.

Become the woman who unapologetically puts her oxygen mask on first and then tends everyone and everything else she cares about

Return to You

a women’s wisdom circle of self-discovery & love

With Kristina Parks & Tawnia Converse

We begin on October 15th
$252/month for 6 months

You can enrollment today!

©2024 A Soulful Space, LLC and Zinnia Alliance
All Rights Reserved