It's time to create a life you love waking up to - one simple shift at a time.

Get 6 months of 1:1 support as you consciously create the life you crave - without having to blow it all up.

You've played by the rules

you tried all the things that you were told would lead to a successful, happy life of contented bliss  

you made the friends, got the education, landed the job, bought the house, supported the causes, married the partner, followed the guidance, played nice, smiled sweetly, cared deeply and said "yes" far more than you said "no" (b/c "if I can, I should" is a motto you've lived by no matter the impact to you)

In some ways, it's worked beautifully

you have a lot to be grateful for  

family,  friends, children, grandchildren, beach houses, hammock naps, vacations, traveling the world, learning new skills, hiking, biking, swimming, knitting, painting, listening to birdsong, rainbows that stop you in your tracks, good health ... the list goes on

and yet it somehow feels empty

like a newly renovated apartment, it may be pretty, clean, and light-filled but it’s missing that something special that makes it fully yours 

You crave a life that feels more fully yours - inside and out

where there's ample space for you and for you to show-up for others, to champion your causes and to care deeply about a world turned upside-down.

Maybe you recognize yourself here ...

🙋‍♀️  you show up endlessly for others and reserve little or no time, energy or resources for yourself ( 👀 I see all you therapists, healers, teachers, helpers, tenders, and carers) – you might be amazed by what happens when you allow someone to show-up for you like you show-up for so many others

🙋‍♀️  people see you as the wise one, the one who has it all together, the one who will figure it out and take care of it all before anyone else even notices there’s an issueyou deserve a space where you can simply be your messy, complicated, very human self and where you can let yourself be supported, held and tended for awhile

🙋‍♀️  you’ve had a tough go of it lately (a health diagnosis, a loss of family or friends, a significant life change – expected or not) and you can’t help but wonder who you are becoming and what your life will look like at the other end of it allyou need a place to be with yourself while you put the pieces together to form the image of the life you are stepping into, you need reminders to rest, and you need someone to trust in you while you remember that you can trust yourself

🙋‍♀️  you’ve tried doing more (restrictive diets; disciplined workout regimens; sure-to-work 5-step programs; waking up earlier; going to bed later; well-choreographed planner preparation; enough hack-your-brain, manage-your-time, envision-your-ideal-life, meditate-your-way-to-joy programs to fill an online vault) only to find yourself back where you started and filled with “why can’t I just” self-judgment and shame you want to approach life in a kinder and more nourishing way 

🙋‍♀️  you feel like you’re sleep-walking through your life waiting for the next milestone (retirement; kids head to college; kids start school; Summer; fewer clients; more clients; more money; less responsibility; promotion; raise; new job; etc) to usher in the change that grants you more space, time and energy to prioritize yourself you crave a sense of presence and aliveness in your everyday life 

🙋‍♀️  you feel like something is missing; there’s an agitation within (like a caged tiger pacing the bars); a twisting in your belly, a tightening around your heart, a clenching in your jaw – all signals from your body, mind and soul that something has to change – you would love to feel more at home in your skin and in your life every single day

What we'll create together are small shifts anchored in greater love and kindness for yourself that will ripple out into your life and into the world.

I'll teach you how you can prioritize inner peace, ease, joy and Love w/o neglecting your beloveds, your besties or your list of very practical to-do's and very important responsibilities.

What you'll discover is that success on your terms is measured by a life through which the truest essence of who you are and what you love shines brilliantly.

You'll shed the "shoulds"; the "musts"; and the expectations of cookie-cutter conformity and, instead, extend yourself a heartfelt invitation to imagine living from the inside - out.

It's time to consciously create a life that feels more fully yours - without having to blow it all up.

$333/month for 6 months

What You'll Receive:

Six months of personal support – when we step into this committed container together, I am with you for the duration – energetically and intuitively co-conspiring with you even when we aren’t face-to-face

Two 1:1 sessions/month – you will have my undivided attention for 90 minutes of energy healing and mentoring work to unstick what has been stuck, to examine what has been hidden; to be with what has been ignored; and to consciously create a path of simple shifts that lead you in the direction of the meaningful transformation you’ve dreamt of but had convinced yourself wasn’t possible for you

꩜  Email check-ins between sessions – connect with me between sessions with your questions, your celebrations and your disappointments; even simple shifts can be challenging to implement and old patterns can surface in unexpected ways – I trust you to do it on your own and I know that a little extra support in the moment you need it most can make a huge difference

The “Nourished” Curriculum – an at-your-pace course filled with the most nurturing and nourishing ways that I know for getting reconnected with yourself – your sense of ease & peace; your sense of joy & contentedness; your sense of groundedness & utter un-able-to-be-f*cked-with-ness (yeah, not a word but a relatable feeling nonetheless)

A bespoke library of supplemental recorded practices – to further support your journey in a sustainable way; can include mindful movement, meditation, breath work and more

A private library of session recordings – revisit our time together at your convenience and as the need arises

🎁 BONUS: Access to the Soulful Living Library – an extensive on-demand library of recorded meditation, breath work and movement practices; this is a nourishing well of practices to visit when you need a little something extra to support your journey

🎁 BONUS: An invitation to join me for two virtual live yoga classes/month – Moving Meditation & Restorative Yoga – these gentle yoga sessions are available to support you in getting out of your head and into your body to help you move through and integrate what we work through in our sessions together

It’s time to chart an aligned course for your one beautiful life - one that holds you as lovingly as you hold others; one that supports you as fully as you support everyone else; one that has ample space for you and for all that you wish to show up for in this world.

$333/month for 6 months

💜 ” Be Your Valentine” Bonus: Sign-up by February 29th, 2024 and receive an additional 1:1 session to be used anytime from the day you sign-up until the end of your 6-month journey

Hi! I'm Tawnia ...

… and I have learned that fierce independence and an armored existence offer only temporary reprieve when you move through life as a deeply caring, kind-hearted soul. I now see my highly sensitive nature as a blessing instead of the burden I long believed it to be – and I know it to be a blessing that requires daily nurturing, dedicated support and pockets of deep nourishment. To wield my personal power with integrity means being in the most honest and loving relationship with myself that I can manage in any given moment. I know that you want to live in a way that feels full, not busy; overflowing with possibility, not filled with tasks and to-do lists; centered, devoted and alive, not exhausting, demanding and misaligned and I want to offer you all the most nurturing and nourishing ways that I know how to get there from here. 

I draw on more than 10 years of experience as a yoga teacher and Reiki practitioner to walk with you as an intuitive energy healer, guide and spiritual mentor. I am especially skilled at supporting tenders, carers, space-holders and creatives in navigating the world from an honest place of inner peace, personal power and deep self-acceptance.  I have an intuitive approach that is rooted in skillfully holding space for you to experience a greater sense of connection – to yourself, your life and the world around you. It is my joy to share what I’ve learned on my spiritual journey of life to support you as you travel yours.

Here's what some of the souls I've worked with are saying about their experience ...

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When you work with Tawnia, you will learn more about yourself, remembering who you are, and how to navigate life than you could imagine. 

I now feel confident in fine tuning my own practice with all of the invaluable tools that I have learned. Tawnia helped me find the confidence to trust and believe in my whole self.” 

~ Denise Treven

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I always feel calmer and hopeful after a session with Tawnia – she has such an intuitive nature that what she observes in me is always eye-opening and on point. She has helped me deal with my stress over a challenging family situation, and also with my unhealthy relationship with food. 

The greatest benefit I’ve derived from working with Tawnia is movement toward self-love and hopefulness.” 

~ L.G.

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“I have gained the cultivation of a loving friendship with myself – I thought I knew myself, but I’m learning there is a whole lot in there I didn’t know about. This has completely changed my decision-making process and the “prism” through which I view life. Many situations have become so much easier to navigate with the tools and insight I’ve gained.”  

~ Ann

I trust you.

I trust myself.

I trust life, Spirit, the Universe, God and the Divine in all the ways it expresses on Earth.

Together, we remember that our innate nature is to live unbound, free, and fully alive.

It's time to reclaim the freedom to be in your life as yourself - anchored in love and kindness that will naturally ripple out into your life and into the world.

$333/month for 6 months


The souls who benefit most from 1:1 work w/me include those who  …

  • are the carers, tenders, givers and space-holders of the world who have dedicated their lives to making sure everything goes smoothly for everyone else
  • feel guilty that they have so much to be grateful for and still feel empty, alone and largely unfulfilled; they tell themselves that they should  feel happy and buoyant in their lives – but mostly they feel the weight of the unmet parts of themselves
  • feel like they are at the whim of the energies of the people, places, things that swirl around them; if the ocean of life is calm on the surface, life is good; if the waves increase, their day is thrown off as well
  • say “yes” when they really want to say “no” and feel compelled to explain themselves on the rare occasion that they do say “no”
  • believe that if they can, they should – no matter how it makes them feel, how aligned or not it is with their deepest intentions, how much it inconveniences them or isn’t in their best interest
  • have been led to believe that being an empath or highly sensitive person means living with uncontrollable energetic ups and downs – they’ve come to accept that the best they can hope for is to manage their experience of the rollercoaster b/c there’s no getting off of it
  • feel most at ease when they can take the temperature of the room and tend to smooth the path for the people around them – reducing potential friction everyone else’s path, even if it causes friction for them (like the sweeper in curling, furiously sweeping the path of the stone that’s been released by someone else; they’ve learned to accept this as “just the way it is”
  • have lived life being guided by their head and anchored in the logical, the reasonable and the to-be-expected and it has worked beautifully to a degree; they find themselves wondering if there’s more to be experienced beyond what they’ve known so far
  • feel lonely, alone and disconnected even in a room full of people; with a life is full of responsibilities, opportunities and gatherings, none of it touches the deep well of sadness and separation they feel within themselves – they do not feel at home with themselves
  • feel guilty when they hold a boundary, say “no” to someone, or cannot be there to take care of others – especially if it’s because they are saying “yes” to themselves
  • have become accustomed to moving through life on default – when the alarm goes off, they grab their phone and their mood is set by the tenor of the texts, emails, messages and social media posts awaiting them instead of their own intentions
  • have tried being harsh to themselves, hard on themselves, and holding themselves accountable for all of their perceived mistakes in largely unkind ways during this lifetime; they sees where this perspective has led them – while there are many glimmers of joy in their life, they feel largely out-of-touch and unfulfilled
  • feel that, in some aspects of their life, they wake up each day to someone else’s life – they simply don’t see much of themselves reflected around them

These sessions are designed for anyone interested in having the support of an intuitive energy healer, guide and spiritual mentor as they move through their spiritual journey of life. I am especially skilled at supporting you in mapping out and implementing a course of simple shifts designed to lead you to the more meaningful transformation that you crave in one or many areas of your life.

The committed nature of this offering allows for a depth of relationship not possible in single-session scheduling. It’s the continued, unseen energetic and spiritual support from me that makes this offering truly special, highly individualized and deeply transformative. 

While this work can be an excellent companion to more traditional avenues of inquiry and care, it is not a replacement for therapy or the guidance of a health care professional. Please seek appropriate care for any health conditions that you may have. 

Sessions are scheduled for 90 minutes and generally include a combination of discussion and practice. The nature of the practice is informed by what supports you best and what you have the capacity for – expect a combination of guided visualization, energy healing, intuitive guidance and breathwork.  Each session is designed to give you deep nourishment, a place to unravel the tangled web of the stories you’ve accepted as true, a home for your deeper inquiry and self-reflection and/or an opportunity to focus your Love and attention on you for a while. The tools we use in the session are dictated by your needs and desires and by what emerges as we connect; no two intuitive energy healing and spiritual mentoring sessions are quite the same.

YES! Spiritual, energetic and movement work is not confined by time and space. And there are many tangible benefits to working together virtually as well –

✨you get a private space in the virtual studio where recordings of your sessions can be found as well as any supplemental materials I believe will support your journey

✨no travel time and convenient scheduling; if you need to meet at a time not listed on the scheduling calendar, please reach out 

✨we can work together from anywhere in the world

💻 you will need a device with a camera, microphone and speakers (headphones work wonderfully) that connects to the internet and has access to Zoom. You may also find it beneficial to be in a quiet place that is as distraction-free as possible when we meet 

⌚I recommend that you plan to invest about 15 minutes a day (most days) in consciously working with the material and teachings you’ll explore during our time together – this might include exploring the Nourished curriculum, journalling, meditation, contemplation, movement or some combination; beginning to take ownership of the care of what we are seeding together creates the fertile ground for the long-term, lasting transformation you crave

✨you might also find it helpful to bring a willingness to be curious, to be gentle, kind, and loving with yourself and to allow this to be a learning process that unfolds at exactly the pace that serves you best; you can’t rush your healing, your ripening or your transformation

I will check-in with you via email between sessions to answer your questions, offer suggestions and celebrate with you. You can expect to be closely supported for the duration of our 6 months together.

Yes – but only with your consent. With a recording, you can revisit our time together at your convenience and as the need arises.

Session recordings are available to you in a private library space within the 1:1 offering on your virtual healing arts studio dashboard; no need to store the recording yourself or remember where you put it.

The core of this offering is in what we can create together during your 1:1 sessions. The Nourished curriculum and the bonus offerings  are there to support you as you need them – think of them as the sprinkles on top of your sundae of transformation; they are nice to have but only if you like them.  

You can expect to invest about 15 minutes/day (beyond our 90-minute sessions) for the duration of our time together to reap the most benefit. 

Let’s talk it through and see what is possible – schedule a free 30-minute Connection Call.

You can expect this to be a conversation, not a sales call where I counter all the ways you aren’t sure. It is my deepest intention that you have all the information you need to make a decision that is aligned with your life, your resources and your deepest intentions. I believe in your sovereignty and will never try to override it or pressure you to – not ever.

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“I had a particularly difficult case of Covid, and was not recovering easily. It hit every system in my body, and I felt completely depleted. Tawnia heard me talk about it a little, and very kindly offered me a healing session from a distance. She’s in the states and I am in Canada so distance was our only option!

I was feeling so unwell and so exhausted that even the thought of meeting with her online felt like too much, but she had a solution! At a specified time, I got into a comfortable position in my own home, and tuned inward as she worked with me energetically from a distance. 

It’s difficult to describe, but I felt cared for, held and heard, even though I wasn’t speaking. It felt like she was lending me her own health and energetic support to lift me up so that I could start the next phase of my healing, which I did.

I am so grateful for the session, and even more grateful for the intention, kindness and compassion behind that session. Thank you Tawnia!” 

~ Colleen

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“I joined Nourished this year to help support me in a transition that I knew was going to require a lot of effort and therefore a lot of rest. Since I had been through a health crisis this year I specifically needed to relearn about how to look after myself and let my body repair. 

Tawnia is a gifted facilitator in leading (women especially) back to reclaiming their sovereign selves.  Her skills include listening, modeling and allowing those in the group to take back their health and see their own importance.

Each part of the course built upon itself with weekly yoga practices and meditations that supplemented the themes such as breath, nervous system and not having to agree with others.

Thank you Tawnia for leading me for 8 weeks to a more nourished version of myself.  I hope to continue on with your wisdom and teachings and the support of the group behind me.” 

~ Nic Watson (Wellness teacher)

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You crave a life that feels like it's more fully yours

and I am excited to support you every step of the way.

$333/month for 6 months

(* there's a 3-month option too; let's talk about it)

Copyright 2024 A Soulful Space, LLC

All Rights Reserved