The other side of “How do we hide from Love?”

The other side of the inquiry "How do we hide from Love" is asking ourselves "How do I embrace Love" and "How do I let Love in?"
We can use these inquiries as journalling prompts, as intentions for our spiritual practices, or as guiding lights for navigating the world. There is no wrong way to be in relationship with ourselves.

We continue our exploration of relationship, community, and connection this week by asking the natural next questions of ourselves after last week’s inquiry (How do I hide from Love?) ~

How do I embrace Love?

How do I let Love in?

Maybe you found yourself intuitively drawn to also ask this of yourself last week – when we examine one side of a question, it is also valuable to examine the other.

If it is true that we hide from or block Love in some way, it is also true that we welcome Love in some way. As is symbolized by the Yin and Yang ~ where one end of the spectrum exists, so does the other and there is within each a spark of the other. Therefore, if we hide, we also embrace. And if we succumb to fear at times, we are also genuinely animated by Love at times.

Love as a Practice of Svadhyaya

The willingness to ask the questions of ourselves and to be attentive listeners to the answers that emerge is part of knowing ourselves better. Within the yogic wisdom tradition, we are invited more deeply into this exploration through the Niyama (spiritual observance) Svadhyaya (self-study).

In her book “Living Love”, Maetreyii Ma writes of both the external and internal practices of Svadhyaya. The external practice “begins with studying the knowledge realized and recorded by others” and naturally flows to internal practices that involve “truthful self-observation and self-reflection.”

When self-study is explored solely through internal practices, we may feel isolated and overwhelmed at times. It is through the external practices ~ reading inspirational books and poetry, listening to uplifting music, choosing podcasts & videos that inspire us, finding meditations and teachings that guide us ~ that we are reminded that we are not alone. It is also incredibly helpful to find people to share this experience with ~ a community of support or a group of friends that inspires us and encourages us to stay connected is invaluable.

So this week in addition to exploring the above questions, let’s take a moment to share the poetry, songs, practices, art, etc that inspires us, confronts us and keeps us moving toward our highest intentions and willing to risk the vulnerability of connection. Share what inspires you in your circles or join the Sovereign Souls Community and share what’s moving you there.

Here are a few of my favorites:

This song “Exactly” by Amy Steinberg reminds us that “I am exactly where I need to be. I need to be exactly where I am. I am not aimlessly existing, see, I am in perfect harmony with universal energy and I am truly free when I accept my own Divinity.”

This is one of my favorite songs by Elephant Revival – “Sing to the Mountain”.

“Go and sing to just about everything.

Because everything is you.

And let your voice go; let it pierce through your soul.”

The work of Maya Angelou is profoundly beautiful to me.

Here she speaks eloquently of the liberating power of Love –

“Love liberates. It doesn’t just hold – that’s ego. Love liberates.”

Her poetry makes a powerful statement –

“Still I Rise”

“Phenomenal Woman”