A Practice for Awareness of the Energetic Body

In preparation for next week’s Boundaries that Nourish 3-day challenge, I’ve been reflecting a lot about the importance of having an awareness of the energetic body and well-established energetic boundaries and I’d like to share something that solidified itself in my thinking and in my heart during this time –

We intuitively know that we are boundless, limitless, infinitely expansive beings and the reality of this existence shrouds how to access that aspect of ourselves beneath veils of the illusion of separateness so we seek to approximate it by being “boundary-less” in our subtle (energetic) bodies. 

You can increase awareness of the energetic body with a 3-day free challenge called "Boundaries that Nourish". Image is of a seedling growing inside of a clear light bulb to simulate being nourished inside firm boundaries

It’s a pretty straightforward miscalculation on our parts – 

🧐 we know something is there 

🧐 we cannot seem to access that thing

🧐 we get as close as we can with something we (perhaps largely unconsciously) can access 

Because the subtle body houses the less-perceivable-to-the-physical-eyes layers of ourselves, we tell ourselves that oozing everywhere isn’t really costing us anything (or much; or the trade off is worth it; etc).

I have come to believe that nothing could be further from the truth – this is an especially important nugget to explore for anyone who works with other humans as they navigate their journeys (healers, teachers, therapists, coaches, guides, etc) and for the sensitive souls of the world (double-important for the sensitive souls who work with others 🤯).

The Wisdom Behind Being Aware of your Energetic Body

It all came through this way during a class I taught recently –

“… And then our third body is our bliss body. This is our connection to the divine. And this body, this energetic quality of ours is boundless- it has no boundary, no limit. It is … the resonance through which we know ourselves to be connected to all things. 

So our human selves necessarily have boundaries. … Our physical body needs a skin boundary to keep what’s supposed to be inside the body in and to keep what’s supposed to stay outside the body out. Our energetic selves, our subtle body, though not necessarily always perceivable to the physical eyes, is as real as the densest form of energy that is our physical body, and it also needs a boundary to keep in our vitality, our prana, our life force energy, our thought energy, and our emotional energy, our wisdom, and our intuition.

… And so if you can imagine how when we move through the world not aware of, not caring for, not in integrity energetically in this subtle body, the way that we want to maintain integrity in the boundary of our physical body, then our thought energy is going all over the place, our emotional energy is going all over the place, our connection to our intuition and our is inner wisdom is going all over the place. We are basically spreading our vitality, our life force energy everywhere. And not necessarily containing it in a way that allows us to choose where to invest these precious resources within us – carefully, intentionally, consciously.

The boundlessness of us is expressed through that third body, the bliss body, the spark of divinity within us. We are never not completely connected to All That Is. We are never not completely plugged in to everyone and everything around us. So we 100% do not need to do that through our subtle body.

We, we don’t need to be wide open vessels leaking everywhere in order to be connected on this earth because we already are- through the bliss body.

And so it is, it is not selfish for us to contain ourselves energetically, in the subtle body. It is imperative to our health and our wellbeing, to our autonomy and our sovereignty, and honestly to the health and wellbeing, autonomy and sovereignty of everyone we come in contact with, that we contain, we learn how to regain and maintain that sense of energetic integrity through our whole selves.

Cuz we are precious, precious, precious creatures and so is everyone else. And we have this amazing treasure chest of inner resources that are designed for us to be able to draw on, to wield consciously and in integrity and intentionally to carry us through the world, through this physical existence of being an expression of the divine in human form.

Because the expression of the divine, the, the connectedness, the boundless boundary-less version of ourselves, it’s already there.

It’s already there.”

A Practice for Creating Greater Awareness of your Energetic Body

Where to Go from Here

Take a moment everyday to check in with your energetic boundaries – see yourself lovingly encased in an intact, whole and healthy energetic “skin” layer and move through the world accordingly. When you notice your energy shift quickly – your mood changes for no apparent reason; you suddenly feel drained or less awake than before; you start to feel a but scattered, like you can’t organize your thoughts or remember what you were planning to say – summon the image of your energetic boundary to your mind and see it whole and shimmering. Remember this boundary is as necessary for keeping you carefully contained as it is for keeping other people’s energy out. Loving tending your energetic “skin” goes a long way toward your sense of well-being and supports you staying connected to your center.

If you’d like to learn more about the energetic (subtle) body, you can check out my previous article “THE SUBTLE BODY: WE ARE MORE THAN MEETS THE EYE”

Sending you Love,
