The Subtle Body: We are more than meets the eye

Within the wisdom tradition of yoga, there is a concept of human anatomy that extends beyond the physical body and what we can experience through our senses. Central to this idea is the astral (or subtle) body where we find the seven main energy centers that form the Chakra system. The Chakras – meaning “wheels” — are located along the main energy channel (the Sushumna Nadi) which generally correlates to the spine. Study of the Chakras provides a framework for us to understand the more subtle ways that we interact with the world around us. If you have ever felt your heart swell, noticed butterflies in your belly, or sensed a tingling along your scalp as a creative solution to a challenging situation occurs to you, you have experienced energy moving through the Chakras.

Lower Three Chakras

Beginning at the base of the spine and moving upward toward the bottom of the rib cage are the first three energy centers within the body’s subtle anatomy – the Root (Muladhara) Chakra, the Sacral (Svadhishthana) Chakra and the Solar Plexus (Manipura) Chakra. These three Chakras form the foundation on which we build a balanced and stable existence in the physical realm. Governing our sense of security, creative energy and personal power, it is through these centers of energy that we feel grounded, find pleasure in life and wield the personal power to see our goals to completion. These Chakras are greatly supported by time spent in nature –  soaking in the sights and smells – and by eating foods that feel nourishing to the body and spirit. Alignment in these Chakras is reflected in a sense of grounded connectedness to the world and an ability to take pleasure in the joy of living and to lovingly maintain healthy personal boundaries.

Upper Three Chakras

The energy centers that connect us to higher consciousness are the Throat (Vishuddha) Chakra, Third-eye (Ajna) Chakra and Crown (Sahasrara) Chakra. It is through these Chakras that we express our deepest Truth, connect to inner wisdom and inspiration and experience the Divine in its many forms. You can support balance in the upper three chakras by following creative pursuits – listening to music, singing, creating works of art – and through a regular meditation practice. When we feel a deep sense of connection and are inspired by the world around us, we are experiencing balance in these three energy centers.

The Heart Knows the Way

At the center of it all lies the Heart (Anahata) Chakra. It is through this energy center that the dense energies of the lower three and the high vibration energies of the upper three Chakras are synthesized and integrated. The Anahata Chakra is the center of love, compassion and gratitude in the subtle anatomy. Its ability to merge the seemingly disparate energies of Earth and Heaven allows us to move through the world taking inspired, compassionate action and speaking our truth from a place of loving-kindness. This Chakra is supported by opening ourselves to the natural flow of giving and receiving love in equal measure. Balance in this energy center is reflected in the ability to love ourselves and others unconditionally.

A Chakra Balancing Meditation

This meditation can be practiced seated or lying down, whichever you find more comfortable, It is an excellent visualization to use at the end of a yoga asana practice as well.

Once you find a comfortable position, allow your eyes to softly close and bring your attention to the slow steady rhythm of your breath. As your body begins to relax around the breath, visualize drawing the energy associated with the breath (prana) up the spine from the base toward the crown as you inhale and from the crown toward the base of the spine as you exhale. With each breath, imagine the movement of the energy flowing up and down the spine freely. As you settle into this pattern of breath and the associated imagery, notice where the breath feels fluid and easy. When you feel ready, notice where you sense thickness or have the impression of resistance along the spine. Allow your attention to come gently to any areas where you sense resistance and continue visualizing the movement of prana up and down the spine, holding the intention for free and easy movement throughout. When you sense it is time to move on, allow your awareness to come back to the entire spine and the movement of energy from the base of the spine to the crown and from the crown back to the base of the spine. Hold this visualization for as long as feels helpful for you, trusting yourself to know when the practice is complete. When you are ready, let go of the visualization and allow yourself to be still and breathe – noticing the sensations, thoughts and emotions that arise for you. As you feel led, open the eyes to a soft gaze. You may find it helpful to write down any observations, thoughts or feelings that arise for you in a journal.


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