
How do we hide from Love?

The arrival of February has me thinking about – yep, you guessed it, Love ?. Specifically, as it pertains to relationship, community and the obstacles that prevent us from connecting more fully to ourselves and one another. And these thoughts brought me to this quote by Rumi – “Your task is not to seek for…

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Aparigraha & the Stories We Tell Ourselves

Aparigraha- often translated as non-attachment or non-possessiveness – is the last of the five Yamas (ethical guidelines) that make up the first of the eight limbs explored in Patanjali’s eightfold path. At its essence, Aparigraha invites us to notice what we are clinging to – physically, emotionally, mentally, and energetically – and to develop a…

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The Virtual Studio – reset your password

Having trouble accessing your account in the virtual studio? If you are being asked to log in and you forgot your password, here are the steps you’ll need to follow to reset your password. Head to the virtual studio; here’s the link to the main page – Click Login in the upper righthand corner…

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The Power of Release: what are you making room for?

As a spiritual concept, release is a natural part of the cycle of life – all things come into being, are and then fall away. This is the overarching cycle of each of our lives and it is a cycle we move through many times in ways big and small throughout our lifetime – every single breath we take is a miniature exploration of the power of release.

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The Yamas & Niyamas

Get to know yoga’s ethical guidelines. What they are: The Yamas and Niyamas are the first two limbs in what is known at the 8-fold Path outlined by Patanjali in the Yoga Sutras. They are a set of ethical guidelines that invite us into deeper relationship with who we are and into greater awareness of…

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For many of us, our first introduction to yoga is through physical movement ~ asana practice. We are all initially drawn to the practice for our own reasons ~ increased flexibility, stress reduction, injury recovery, building strength & resilience in the mind & body ~ and we stay with it as the benefits continue to…

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Gratitude as a Practice

Gratitude – take a moment to pause and consider the word. If you close your eyes, take a few deep breaths, and say the word “gratitude” to yourself, what do you experience? Do you feel it somewhere in your body? Does an image or idea come to mind? Do you feel a resistance rise in you?…

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Living with Intention

If prana is life force energy flowing around and through each of us and pranayama is the practice of extending, stretching and controlling that life force energy within us then we might think of intention (sankalpa) as tuning our awareness to look more closely at a particular facet of the flow of life. When we set…

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The Path to Inner Freedom

Hello! I recently spoke at Unity of NEPA as part of a series they were holding based on the book The Untethered Soul by Michael A. Singer. As I prepared the lesson, I had a number of insights and thought it might be useful to share the content of the talk with you all. You…

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The Yamas in Action: Authenticity is a Gift We Give the World

 I’ve been thinking a great deal about authenticity and showing up in the world as your true self lately. I see being in unwavering relationship with ourselves as both the work and the reward of walking the spiritual path ~ and I’ve come to see how the teachings of yoga serve as guideposts along the way, pointing…

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